Welcome To The FARM

Healing the earth, one animal at a time & one human at a time.

We’re a small farm out in the country, and we want to make it easy for you to have convenient access to our pasture-raised, soy-free, non-GMO meats! We believe that regenerative agriculture is part of the solution to many of our current soil and personal health struggles. We believe that healthier food fuels healthier bodies. We believe that animals deserve respectful and kind treatment.

So… How does it work?

We have two main options for our customers: visit us OR meet us at one of our bi-weekly drop off locations in Frederick and Rockville, MD.

To plan a visit, send us an email or text to set up a date and time that works. We can do as little as hand you your bags of goodies or give you a full farm tour! How much walking do you want to do and what animals do you want to pet?

To meet us at one of our bi-weekly drop-off locations, orders do need to be placed in advance. Order through our website or contact us directly through email (healinghillsfamilyfarm@gmail.com) or text (717-368-0736) with your order information. Orders must be placed no later than 12 noon on the Friday before pickup. (And you’re really talking to us… we’re that small, promise):

We do NOT treat with antibiotics, vaccinate, administer any hormones, confine our animals, feed our cattle grain, or use any pesticides or herbicides, ever.

We DO rotationally graze on fresh pasture & forest, supplement our hogs and poultry with soy-free, non-GMO feed, give our animals lots of attention and care, and welcome visitors. 


“You are what you eat eats.” Michael Pollan

What Our Customers Say

We are so grateful that there is a farm and a family committed to sustainable healthy products. On top of the chickens being healthy, the taste is amazing! We highly recommend their products and that you take some time to visit!
I was so surprised when we arrived that there were no "farm" smells because of how you move your animals to fresh pasture so consistently!
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